Ask a Coach: How to Pick the Best Running Shoes for You

Q. I heard that I should buy running shoes specifically for running but I don’t know where to start. How do I know which running shoes are best for me and which to buy?

A: There used to be an old running adage that “all you need is a pair of shoes” to get started. We know that’s not true (hello, supportive sports bra and reflective apparel!), but running shoes are one of the key pieces of gear every runner needs.

Just as basketball shoes are designed for the unique movements of the game, running shoes also have a sport-specific design. They provide cushioning, ventilation, and support exactly where runners need them when performing a forward-motion run. That is why, as a coach, I recommend steering clear of other sports’ footwear and fashion sneakers—they’re not designed for the job, they won’t be as comfortable as a pair of running shoes, and they can lead to injury.

So, how do you navigate the hundreds of different running shoes out there? Check out my four tips to find your best fit.

#1: Ask the Experts

Yes, there are running shoe experts and they work in running specialty stores. The staff in these stores love running shoes and they will help you navigate the slight differences between the shoes. Often, the staff will examine your foot and make a recommendation based off your gait, or how you move and bear weight when you run. Many running specialty stores are offering virtual fittings during this time, so check with yours. Once the staff determine the support your foot needs while running, they will bring out different brands that fit your needs.

#2: Size Up

When I wear dress or work shoes, I’m a women’s size 9.5, but when it’s time for me to wear running shoes, I’m a size 10. The extra space ensures my toes don’t hit the front of the shoe while I run. There should be about a quarter inch of space between your toes and the front of the shoe. The overall fit of the shoe can be a matter of personal preference, but if you find your toes touching the front of the shoe when you put them on, ask for the next size up to avoid blisters and black toenails.

#3: Go Your Own Way

Finding the perfect running shoe is like buying a winning lottery ticket—it’s a big deal for runners. Your runner friends may proselytize their favorite running shoes, but you need to find what works for you. Every brand uses a different cushioning system (think air, foam, gel, etc.) and they will feel different to you as compared to your friends. Additionally, everyone has different needs from shoes. For example, the shoe I love wouldn’t work for my running partner who has a different foot shape than me. Neither of our shoe choices are right or wrong and every runner needs to find what works for them. 

#4: Comfort Over Style

The sad truth is that if you choose the right shoe based off the feeling of comfort when you put them on, they may not be your favorite color. As a coach, I highly encourage you to prioritize comfort over style for your running shoes. Research from the last 15 years has shown that when runners choose shoes that fit their standard of comfort, they’re less likely to experience lower leg extremity injuries. On a personal note, the best shoe for me one year only came in metallic green. They may not have looked good, but not being injured that year felt amazing.

Keep these tips in mind as you visit, call, or email your specialty running store to find the best running shoe for you! 

Author: Annick Lamar

Coach, NYRR

Annick Lamar has been running for 25 years and has coached middle school, high school, collegiate, and adult runners on both coasts. Her favorite athletes to work with are new runners. While working in running specialty, she has fit over 5,000 runners for footwear, helping them find the best shoe for their running journey.

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